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You have big goals for your membership organization. And we’re here to help you achieve them. 

Whether you’re starting a membership organization or growing your established brand, we have resources and ideas to help you define, meet, and surpass your goals. Below are a few ways we help leaders like you prep for success. 

  1. Provide more value to your members

You’re always looking out for your members and have their best interests at heart. You have a growth mindset and look forward to developing ways to be a better resource for your community. For that, you are a badass leader. 

At Sidecar, we’re connected to association leaders in all industries, so we keep a pulse on what’s happening in the membership-based organization sphere while staying aware of upcoming trends in entrepreneurship, media and technology. We share what we learn, keeping you up-to-date with the latest industry trends. You better serve your members when you surround yourself with fresh, relevant and new ideas. 

We have resources to help you create powerful content, host killer events, and so much more — all to help you be a better association for your members. 

For more ideas on providing maximum value to your members, check out more of our blog posts, or become a member for access to exclusive resources. 

  1. Increase membership and revenue 

The Sidecar community is a trusted resource for providing ideas to increase membership and revenue in your association or organization. We help you predict and prevent member churn, attract new members, and identify your ideal member of the next decade. We also provide insights and ideas on diversifying your revenue stream so you’re less reliant on dues — especially during times like today’s pandemic in which budgets are stripped bare. We’re your ally in combating trends of declining membership in professional organizations. 

We share ideas to increase membership, like implementing a sales funnel for your membership strategy, attracting GenZ and millennial members, and sharing clever marketing strategies for membership organizations. 

Your success is our success, and we’re here for you every step of the way. 

  1. Make your team more effective

Whether you need to use meeting time more efficiently, recruit new candidates or track the right metrics, we have resources that help make your operations more effective. For a 2021 organization, you need 2021 resources. We are a resource for you on everything from organizational diversity to choosing the right workshop platform or learning management system

We’re a professional development resource your entire team can take advantage of. In fact, we offer team memberships for leaders who want to encourage everyone on their roster to meet their full potential. Sidecar isn’t just for the C-suite. When your team is empowered, there’s no limit to your growth. 

Become a member of Sidecar today

As a member organization or association leader, you understand the value of community more than most. At Sidecar, we are the home of a community of brilliant and bright membership organization leaders like yourself. There’s no better way to solve problems and overcome challenges than consulting and collaborating with others who have been in your shoes. 

Sidecar members can take advantage of our community’s hivemind, in addition to a plethora of helpful resources, courses, and content. Click here to learn more about the benefits of Sidecar membership. Get started today! 

Sidecar Staff
Post by Sidecar Staff
January 17, 2021
At Sidecar, we create the professional development tools a leader needs to grow their career and their purpose-driven membership organization, like associations and nonprofits. The skills you’ll learn within our growing community, interactive workshops and from our step-by-step courses will drive innovation, empower strategic thinking and institute cultural changes wherever your career takes you.